

Indian Pole Gymnastics

After a lovely office function earlier filled with cake, brownies, soft drinks and candy, I didn't think my heart was beating fast enough, so I grabbed a couple of cookies and plopped myself down in front of a computer to catch up on all my YouTube videos involving other people doing athletic activities. 

This video reminds me of the pole "fitness" class I took back in March.  My friends and I were all snickering and sometimes making vulgar questionable gestures towards the pole, as one would expect to be permissible behavior in a class involving a pole.  Much to our surprise, the instructor was not as amused as we were.  Presumably, every other woman who rolls into the Flirty Girl Fitness gym has her game face on and is seriously ready to crush on her lats and biceps, while surrounded by feather boas with a disco ball overhead.  Pink glitter hula hoops = serious business.

It will be a while, but I think my 5-lb. weights will one day prepare me for pole fitness at this level.  I was entranced from start to finish by these incredible athletes!  The best is when you think they're going to fall.  It's a real sphincter tease.

Via OMG Blog.

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